Help from Above
Say a prayer, read a psalm, or send a letter to the One Above. The power of these actions can move mountains.
Send a Letter...
Throughout his lifetime the Rebbe received hundreds of letters every day, from people of every conceivable background, occupation and faith.
Today, people continue to send letters to be placed at the Ohel for the Rebbe's guidance and intervention On High, in the age-old tradition of written prayer petitions at our holiest sites.
When referring to one's self or mentioning someone else's name in a letter, one should always include the name and mother's name (e.g. Isaac the son of Sarah) of both the one(s) who are in need of blessing and the signer. (See Why is One's Mother’s Name Mentioned When Praying for Someone?) It is preferable to use one's Jewish name. (Customarily gentiles use their father's name.) Letters can be written in any language.
The Kotel, the Western Wall, is revered as the holiest site in the world for the Jewish people. As the last surviving remnant of our Temple in Jerusalem, Jews from around the globe congregate beside it to pray and connect with G-d. Many also have the custom of writing a note to G-d, which they then place between the ancient stones of the Wall.
Do you want to have a note placed between the stones of the Western Wall? Write out whatever you'd like to ask from G-d, and we’ll make sure that it is placed between the holy stones. Your privacy is protected at all times.
Say a Prayer
Prayer comes in all forms: silent and spoken, alone or with others. But essentially, prayer is your conversation with G-d. The Hebrew word for prayer, Tefilah, is etymologically related to the Hebrew word for connection – Tofel. Chassidic thought teaches that prayer is our opportunity to connect with the life-source of everything—G-d. The great sages of yore established specific prayers to say. These prayers are imbued with a multitude of meanings, both basic and esoteric. For your convenience, we’ve provided a few relevant prayers here.
“Hear, O Israel”—The prayer that proclaims our faith in G-d
Prayer for people in need of healing
When praying for an individual who is ill, it is customary to recite thirty-six chapters of Psalms. This page features ten of these chapters, accompanied by meditations and an English translation, as well as the complete group of thirty-six chapters in the original Hebrew, English translation, and English transliteration.
Do a Mitzvah
A Mitzvah—a commandment from G-d—has intense spiritual energy. Just one Mitzvah has profound effects and brings abundant blessing to those in need. Here are a few ideas of Mitzvot you can do:
The Talmud teaches, “Charity saves from death.” When we show kindness to others, we awaken G-d’s kindness in return. And what can be greater than helping someone in need?
Traditionally, charity is given in multiples of 18, the numerical value of the Hebrew word Chai (life).
A good idea is to place a charity box by the patient’s bedside so spare change can be dropped in. Every little bit adds up!
Tefillin, black leather boxes with portions of the Torah inside, are an important Mitzvah for every Jewish male over 13 years old. You don't have to miss out on this essential mitzvah during the healing process. Consult your rabbi if you have any questions or require assistance.
Torah is the vastness of Jewish thought, starting with the Bible. You may be on bed rest, but you can still exercise your mind and soul. There is a wide array of Jewish literature and websites you can use to learn new Torah thoughts, or we can get together for an insightful discussion about a topic of your choice.
Shabbat candles are the beautiful way Jewish women and girls usher in the light of Shabbat. Some hospitals will permit you to light Shabbat candles upon request. If the hospital doesn't allow it, we can supply you with electric Shabbat candles that can be used when standard candles are not available.
Shabbat candles will bring a warm glow to your room and brighten the faces of those around you.
Kosher Food
Kosher food is the Jew’s healthy diet. Many hospitals provide kosher meals upon request. In the event that you encounter any difficulties arranging kosher food, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.