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Articles, music & more
Chanukah begins at nightfall of December 7, 2023, and ends with nightfall on December 15, 2023
New! Chanukah Meditations Booklet: 8 Messages for 8 Lights
Click through to view a message and a mitzvah for each night!
A Mitzvah is like a flame: each positive action infuses light and warmth into the world.
Even if you're unable to light a Menorah this year, by doing a Mitzvah each day you too are lighting your Chanukah candles.
May the merit of your candles protect our brothers and sisters in Israel.
Choose your daily Mitzvah at
01 - I Have a Little DreidelArtist Name
00:00 / 03:06
Maoz Tzur
00:00 / 01:11
09 - Chanukah Oh ChanukahArtist Name
00:00 / 02:56
Shine a Little Light
00:00 / 04:29
Beyond the Flame Virtual Chanukah Event
Click Image to View
Chanuka Songs
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